April Fools, but wouldn’t it be sweet to have a phone that could do all this!

How would you like a phone that had:
- Shatterproof touchscreen
- Dual operating systems. Choose between Android and IOS
- Native Solar Charge. No extra adapters required
- Totally wireless charging (in your pocket)
- Hologram and wall projection, no more scrolling on small screens
- Waterproof – DEPTH: 660 Feet
- 1 week battery life, with 3 year guarantee on battery life or phone is replaced.
Enter the OMNIPHONE. The world’s largest phone manufacturers have partnered to make it a reality. The partnership is considered similar to the Search Engine schema.org project, or numerous car manufacturers teaming up for advanced models e.g the BMW-Toyota Supra Project http://jalopnik.com/hell-yes-the-bmw-toyota-supra-is-really-happening-1655681458
1000 prototypes for world wide BETA testing are being released in Q2. This amazing concept phone can and should reach mass production for the betterment of human kind!
Nimbull’s partnership with the Tech giants mean we are able to offer one BETA concept phone. Contact us to apply as a tester.
Please share this article to show the OEMs we want it mass produced, and in pockets around the world.