Earlier this week Twitter released its “self service” model in the Australian market. This effectively means that anyone can now use the interface to create Twitter promoted tweets, promoted accounts and promoted trends campaigns, without the $15K minimum spend. A credit card can be used for payment.
On Wednesday, Nimbull attended “Twitter Academy”, an event in Sydney, Surry Hills where Twitter gave an update on their latest features and case studies.

Twitter Cupcake @ Twitter Academy
Some key takeaways from this invite only event include:
- Promoted tweets – tweets that include images, videos and more can be used to engage people and have them perform a specific action e.g click through to your site.
- Promoted accounts – boost your followers by advertising in relevant twitter feeds.
- Promoted trends – For 8k a month, you can have your twitter handle show in the “trends” section of a users page. This is very high exposure.
- Targeting options are great, and are a mix of adwords and facebook style settings. Marketers can set their campaigns to target users by over 300 interest categories, thousands of keywords (adwords import!), and also other twitter handles e.g competitor handles.
- Great advertisers to draw inspiration – coldrock, snowgum.
- Twitter analytics now available directly from Twitter at analytics.twitter.com
- The two most important things to remember about Twitter are “its all about moments”, and “always be authentic and humanise”.
- Often, short tweets under 90 chars are the most effective. Use of images are key.
For further information on Twitter paid ads or account setup, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Nimbull Digital Marketing.