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Adtech Melbourne – Just The Good Bits

18 July 2013

Wednesday 17th July, 2013

Tricia Nichols, Global Lead Consumer Engagement, Media Innovation & Brand Partnership, GAP Inc (US) Building Meaningful Partnerships – How To Create Bonds With Consumers

· Marrying physical and digital. 7 11 and Zenga swapped customers 

· @dvf did kids collection for gap

· Change partner relationships from transactional to innovative

Panel: Does Australia Have Anything To Fear From Programmatic Advertising?

· It’s meant to help sales teams. 

· Lots of good tech being brought over from USA e.g Turn

· Analytics staff growing on all sides. Digitas US has 50% staff in analytics.

Case Study: The Next Big Thing Is Here: Tablets

  • 75% use is for gaming 
  • Higher use at home
  • Older Audience
  • Spending
  • More engaged
  • Over WIFI 
  • Best to connect to tablet users using long form video, with option to buy, after 7 pm.

Tourism Australia Tablet app case study

· Make full potential of tablet use

· Use paid media to promote use of app, especially search

· 200k to 300k spent on their tablet app 

Panel: Social Media Activists are Coming for Your Brand – Are You Ready?

· A crisis is when negative sentiment reaches a level that costs you money.

· Qantas puts out a templated tweet within 5 mins of a crisis. 

· When choosing a listening tool, don’t pick the one that helps digital marketers, choose the one that helps the whole organisation. 

· Most re-tweeted tweet is Obama after election win 

· Vodafone uses twitter for “care” and “brand”, via two twitter handles. 

Case Study: Social Media ROI Measures and Competitive Analysis

· KRAFT social reporting approach – always ask:

– What?

– So what?

– What’s next?

· Kraft believes its critical to measure CPI ie cost per impact, not just ROI when it comes to social

· Kraft attributes more to a share vs a like and so on, for CPI 

· Billboards don’t have to justify themselves at all. Why is social so scrutinised? 

Case Study by Bisolvin: Mobile As the First Screen in Integrated Advertising Campaigns

· Great mobile web e card SMS/social site created, helped Bisolvin have one of their best years in their 50 year existence. 

· Promotion asked: text “mucus“ to this number, written on bus stations. Great use of the medium. 

· Key was very simple brief from client that didn’t start with “we want to do something in mobile”.

· By doing only mobile web on HTML 5, more cost effective than 3 mobile apps

Thursday 18th July, 2013

Keynote: Andy Lark, CMO & Online Officer, Commonwealth Bank of Australia The Successes and Learning’s of Australia’s Most Digitally Savvy Bank

· This generation going through biggest transformation ever due to social web. 

· Facebook – marketing in a social world. 

· 89% of Facebook users are multi screening

Panel: Developing a Killer Content Strategy – Tips for Success

Michael Verghios speakig alongside Ardent Digital and DT. Best panel of the day of course  :)

Marketing Your Technical Product/Service… to My Mother

· Lead with benefits, not features

· Simplifies his web experience so his elderly mother could understand it  

Location, Location, Location: How Location is Now Cooler than “social media” in the world of Content and Brand Communications

· Brazilian clothes store showed the “likes” for each garment on a digital panel located on the clothes hanger. 

· Location shouldn’t matter much in business. 

· Aussies are often more productive and harder working than many other countries, so we should be servicing a lot more global business

Case Study: Agile Marketing

· Try avoid “set and forget” advertising. 

· Carlton has fun taking the piss as a brand.

· Created an app with many games that engages people for longer. 

· Visual slide used to describe the app teething issues Carlton experienced. 

· Look for gap in the market and exploit it. Even if you have to invent it. 

The Next Level – How Businesses Are Using Games to Engage Their Audience

· 61% of C level execs game daily as a break. 

· Average age of a gamer is 35

Michael Verghios

Digital Marketing Director



Twitter @michaelverghios

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