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Create eCommerce Product Videos, Facebook Paid Ad Slideshows and more


Online Video Advertising

There’s a quick simple way to stand out from your competitors this year: deploy short, visually stunning videos that showcase your eCommerce products & services AT SCALE. Nimbull can help you rapidly deploy video for every landing page, Facebook adset and more.

How Nimbull client StarBuy deployed amazing product video:

Besides getting a SERIOUS leg up on your competition, why should you do this right now?

  • 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. (HubSpot)
  • Including a video on your landing page can boost your conversion rate by up to 80%. (Unbounce)
  • Video increases organic search traffic on a website by 157%. (Conversion XL)
  • Video is expected to make up 82% of internet traffic by 2021. (Cisco)
  • 93% of marketers use video. (SingleGrain)
  • Videos under two minutes long get the most engagement. (Wistia)

See more stats here, and in the video below.

Contact Nimbull to discuss product video production today.